Ask and I shall tell

It’s not a secret, Jabi and I are trying to conceive.

Typically after marriage the most asked question is, “When are you having kids?”

Honestly, I’m not going to lie about it. We want children, especially after being a couple for ten years and seeing our friends and family have children. The human desire of having our own children has grown in our hearts.

So when people ask, my answer is “We aren’t doing anything to prevent it. No pressure, when it happens it happens. It’s all up to God.”

We were married October 19th and at the end of that month, I had finished my last cycle of birth control pills. To date I have been off birth control for about four months.

I feel like I have gone through my withdrawal of birth control having felt, super irritable, emotional, etc. I have been keeping track of my period with a period tracker app, which predicts ovulation, my fertile days, and when my next cycle should begin. Surprisingly, it pretty accurate. Some women can feel when they ovulate, I definitely can, especially now that I’m not on the pill, I don’t have the effects of the pill masking any cramps. Anyways, so the tracker is a good aid to have to keep me on course.

It’s funny, because when I start to hear myself talking about period trackers and ovulation, I feel like I’m putting effort into “trying to have a baby.” Then I feel worried that it will hurt my chances of conceiving because I’m thinking about it too much. Ugh, then I just feel silly.

Either way, at the moment, as far as I know, I’m not pregnant, yet.

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